Tyromer chosen as Top 100 private companies in North American by Red Herring
On June 14, 2017, Tyromer Inc. was named a winner of the 2017 Red Herring Top 100 North America event in Los Angeles, California, being recognized as one of the continent’s most exciting and innovative private technology companies.
Sam Visaisouk, CEO, Tyromer Inc. thanks Red Herring and its judges for selecting the company a Top 100. Among the selection criteria were: social contribution, disruptiveness of the solution in its respective markets, market size, market maturity, growth rate, branding, CEO/Team quality, experience and track record. Globally over one billion scrap tires are generated this year, and more next year. Not much scrap tire rubber is reused in tire manufacturing even though the tire industry consumes more than 50% of the global rubber supply. Tyromer provides a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable solution to the global scrap tire problem using its patented supercritical carbon dioxide extrusion technology to devulcanize scrap tire rubber to produce TDP (Tire-Derived Polymer) for reuse in tire manufacturing. It is now possible to implement a circular economy in the tire industry.